So Last Thanksgiving I went to visit my sister, and we made pillow cases for her son's troupe which was over in Iraq. While I was there, we perused through her stash of fabric and somehow I managed to finagle out of her a bunch of frog fabric left over from a quilt she had made for her mother-in-law. I brought this home and scanned the fabric into my EQ6 software and started developing quilt blocks. Pretty cool software, you see I only had left overs, so I had to improvise.
Turned out great, not exactly like my design but pretty close. I like it better than my star quilt mainly because I did a better job both with the sewing and with the quilting, and it is also cat approved. no sooner than I had finshed basting the back to the front, and folding it up, than Napoleon decided to test it out.